Employee Complaints

Staff should follow the appropriate chain of command in resolving District complaints. Attempt to resolve the issue first with those closest to the issue and most directly involved. If the complaint cannot be resolved, take the complaint to your supervisor and attempt to resolve the complaint at that level. A complaint should not go to the District office unless all other attempts to resolve the issue have been exhausted at the building level. The procedure for handling all contractual complaints is outlined below.

Employees should follow the contractual complaint process outlined below to discuss complaints when violations or misinterpretations of the provisions of this handbook or the collective bargaining agreement are perceived. Complaints shall be handled in a timely manner.  


First Step. An attempt shall be made to resolve any complaints in informal verbal discussion between complainant and his or her principal. Informal discussions are not documented with an official form.

Second Step. If the complaint cannot be resolved informally, the employee shall file the complaint in writing, and discuss the matter again with their principal. The principal shall make a decision on the complaint and communicate it in writing to the employee and the Superintendent in a timely manner.

Third Step. In the event a complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved at the second step, the final step calls for the employee to appeal the complaint with the Superintendent. The employee and the Superintendent or his/her designee shall meet to discuss and resolve the complaint. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall make a decision on the complaint and communicate it in writing to the employee and the principal in a timely manner.

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To engage learners in a caring, student-centered environment with rigorous, challenging and innovative curricula by highly qualified staff while showing respect, responsibility, school pride and communication with all stakeholders.
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