School Board Policies
100 Series - School District
- 100 - Legal Status of the School District
- 101 - Educational Philosophy of the School District
- 102 - Equal Educational Opportunity
- 102.1 - Grievance Procedures
- 102.2 - Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination
- 102.3 - Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination
- 102.4 - Notice of Section 504 Student and Parental Rights
- 102.5 - Discrimination, Anti-Bullying and Anti-Harassment Compliant Form
- 102.6 - Witness Disclosure Form
- 102.7 - Disposition of Complaint Form
- 103 - Long-Range Needs Assessment
- 104 - Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Policy
- 104.R1 - Anti-Bullying/Harassment Policy Regulation
- 104.1 - Discrimination, Anti-Bullying and Anti-Harassment Complaint Form
- 104.2 - Bullying Witness Disclosure Form
- 104.3 - Bullying Disposition of Complaint Form
- 105 - Assistance Animals
- 106 - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited
200 Series - School Board
- 200.1 - Organization of the Board of Directors
- 200.2 - Powers of the Board of Directors
- 200.3 - Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
- 200.4 - Board Member Social Media Engagement
- 200.11 - Organizational Meeting Procedures
- 201 - Board of Directors’ Elections
- 202.1 - Qualifications
- 202.2 - Oath of Office
- 202.3 - Term of Office
- 202.4 - Vacancies
- 203 - Board of Directors’ Conflict of Interest
- 204 - Code of Ethics
- 205 - Board Member Liability
- 206.1 - President
- 206.2 - Vice-President
- 206.3 - Secretary-Treasurer
- 207 - Board of Directors' Legal Counsel
- 208 - Ad Hoc Committees
- 208.1 - Ad Hoc Committee: Purpose, Role & Membership
- 209.1 - Development of Policy
- 209.2 - Adoption of Policy
- 209.3 - Dissemination of Policy
- 209.4 - Suspension of Policy
- 209.5 - Administration in the Absence of Policy
- 209.6 - Review and Revision of Policy
- 209.7 - Review of Administrative Regulations
- 210.1 - Annual Meeting
- 210.2 - Regular Meeting
- 210.3 - Special Meetings
- 210.4 - Work Sessions
- 210.5 - Meeting Notice
- 210.6 - Quorum
- 210.7 - Rules of Order
- 210.7E1 - Rules of Order Procedures
- 210.8 - Board Meeting Agenda
- 210.9 - Consent Agendas
- 211 - Open Meetings
- 212 - Closed Sessions
- 212.1 - Exempt Meetings
- 213 - Public Participation in Board Meetings
- 213.1 - Public Complaints
- 214 - Public Hearings
- 215 - Board of Directors' Records
- 215.E1 - Board of Directors' Records - Board Meeting Minutes
- 216.1 - Association Membership
- 216.2 - Board of Directors’ Member Development and Training
- 216.3 - Board of Directors' Member Compensation and Expenses
- 217 - Gifts to Board of Directors
300 Series - Administration
- 300 - Role of School District Administration
- 300.7 - Administrator Professional Development
- 301.1 - Management
- 302.1 - Superintendent Qualifications, Recruitment, Appointment
- 302.2 - Superintendent Contract & Contract Non-renewal
- 302.3 - Superintendent Salary and Other Compensation
- 302.4 - Superintendent Duties
- 302.5 - Superintendent Evaluation
- 302.6 - Superintendent Professional Development
- 302.7 - Superintendent Civic Activities
- 302.8 - Superintendent Consulting / Outside Employment
- 303.1 - Administrative Positions
- 303.2 - Administrator Qualifications, Recruitment, Appointment
- 303.3 - Administrator Contract and Contract Non-Renewal
- 303.4 - Administrator Salary and Other Compensation
- 303.5 - Administrator Duties
- 303.6 - Administrator Evaluation
- 303.7 - Administrator Professional Development
- 303.8 - Administrator Civic Activities
- 303.9 - Administrator Consulting / Outside Employment
- 304.1 - Development and Enforcement of Administrative Regulations
- 304.2 - Monitoring of Administrative Regulations
- 305 - Administrator Code of Ethics
- 306 - Succession of Authority to the Superintendent
- 307 - Communication Channels
400 Series - Employees
- 400 - Role of and Guiding Principles for Employees
- 401.1 - Equal Employment Opportunity
- 401.2 - Employee Conflict of Interest
- 401.3 - Nepotism
- 401.4 - Employee Complaints
- 401.5 - Employee Records
- 401.5R1 - Employee Records
- 401.6 - Limitations to Employment References
- 401.7 - Employment Travel Compensation
- 401.8 - Recognition for Service of Employees
- 401.9 - Employee Political Activity
- 401.12 - Employee Use of Cell Phones
- 401.12R1 - Employee Use of Cell Phones Regulation
- 401.14 - Employee Expression
- 402.1 - Release of Credit Information
- 402.2 - Child Abuse Reporting
- 402.3 - Abuse of Students by School District Employees
- 402.4 - Gifts to Employees
- 402.5 - Required Professional Development for Employees
- 402.6 - Employee Outside Employment
- 403.1 - Employment Physical Examinations
- 403.2 - Employee Injuries on the Job
- 403.3 - Communicable Diseases - Employees
- 403.3R1 - Communicable Diseases - Employees - Regulations
- 403.3E1 - Hepatitis B Vaccine Information and Record
- 403.4 - Hazardous Chemical Disclosure
- 403.5 - Substance-Free Workplace
- 403.5R1 - Substance-Free Workplace
- 403.5E1 - Substance-Free Workplace Notice to Employees
- 403.6 - Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
- 403.6E1 - Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Notice to Employees
- 403.6E2 - Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Acknowledgement Form
- 403.6E3 - Drug and Alcohol Program & Pre-Employment Testing Written Consent to Share Information
- 404 - Employee Conduct and Appearance
- 404.R1 - Employee Conduct and Appearance - Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics Regulation
- 404.R1 - Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics
- 404.R1 - Employee Conduct and Appearance - Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics Regulation
- 404-.R2 - Code of Rights and Responsbilities
- 405.1 - Licensed Employee Defined
- 405.2 - Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection
- 405.3 - Licensed Employee Individual Contracts
- 405.4 - Licensed Employee Continuing Contracts
- 405.5 - Licensed Employee Work Day
- 405.6 - Licensed Employee Assignment
- 405.7 - Licensed Employee Transfers
- 405.8 - Licensed Employee Evaluation
- 405.9 - Licensed Employee Probationary Status
- 406.1 - Licensed Employee Compensation
- 406.2 - Licensed Employee Compensation Advancement
- 406.3 - Licensed Employee Continued Education Credit
- 406.4 - Licensed Employee Compensation for Extra Duty
- 406.5 - Licensed Employee Group Benefits
- 406.6 - Licensed Employee Tax Shelter Programs
- 407.1 - Licensed Employee Resignation
- 407.2 - Licensed Employee Contract Release
- 407.3 - Licensed Employee Retirement
- 407.4 - Licensed Employee Suspension
- 407.5 - Licensed Employee Reduction in Force
- 407.6 - Licensed Employee Early Retirement
- 408.1 - Licensed Employee Professional Development
- 408.2 - Licensed Employee Publication or Creation of Materials
- 408.3 - Licensed Employee Tutoring
- 409.1 - Employee Vacation - Holidays - Option I
- 409.2 - Employee Leaves of Absence
- 409.3 - Employee Family and Medical Leave
- 409.3R1 - Employee Family and Medical Leave
- 409.3R2 - Employee Family and Medical Leave Definitions
- 409.3E1 - Employee Family and Medical Leave Notice to Employees
- 410.1 - Substitute Teachers
- 410.2 - Summer School Licensed Employees
- 411.1 - Classified Employee Defined
- 411.2 - Classified Employee - Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection
- 411.3 - Classified Employee Contracts
- 411.4 - Classified Employee Licensing/Certification
- 411.5 - Classified Employee Assignment
- 411.6 - Classified Employee Transfers
- 411.7 - Classified Employee Evaluation
- 411.8 - Classified Employee Probationary Status
- 412.1 - Classified Employee Compensation
- 412.2 - Classified Employee Wage and Overtime Compensation
- 412.3 - Classified Employee Group Benefits
- 412.4 - Classified Employee Tax Shelter Programs
- 413.1 - Classified Employee Resignation
- 413.2 - Classified Employee Retirement
- 413.3 - Classified Employee Suspension
- 413.4 - Classified Employee Dismissal
- 413.5 - Classified Employee Reduction in Force
- 413.6 - Classified Employee Early Retirement
500 Series - Students
- 501.1 - Resident Students
- 501.2 - Nonresident Students
- 501.3 - Compulsory Attendance
- 501.4 - Entrance - Admissions
- 501.5 - Attendance Center Assignment
- 501.6 - Student Transfers In
- 501.7 - Student Transfers Out or Withdrawals
- 501.8 - Student Attendance Records
- 501.9 - Student Absences - Excused
- 501.9E1 - Request for Remote Learning Form
- 501.10 - Truancy - Unexcused Absences
- 501.11 - Student Release During School Hours
- 501.12 - Pregnant Students
- 501.13 - Students of Legal Age
- 501.14 - Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Sending District
- 501.15 - Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Receiving District
- 501.16 - Homeless Children and Youth
- 501.21 - International Students
- 502.1 - Student Appearance
- 502.2 - Care of School Property / Vandalism
- 502.3 - Student Expression
- 502.3R1 - Student Expressions and Student Publications Code
- 502.4 - Student Complaints and Grievances
- 502.5 - Student Lockers
- 502.6 - Weapons
- 502.7 - Smoking - Drinking - Drugs
- 502.8 - Search and Seizure
- 502.8R1 - Search and Seizure Regulation
- 502.8E1 - Search and Seizure Checklist
- 502.9 - Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies
- 502.10 - Use of Motor Vehicles
- 502.11 - Student Appearance
- 502.12 - Freedom of Expression
- 502.13 - Fines - Fees - Charges
- 502.1R1 - Student Suspension
- 503.1 - Student Conduct
- 503.1R1 - Student Suspension
- 503.2 - Expulsion
- 503.3 - Fines - Fees - Charges
- 503.3R1 - Student Fee Waiver and Reduction Procedures
- 503.3E1 - Standard Fee Waiver Application Form
- 503.4 - Good Conduct Rule
- 503.5 - Corporal Punishment, Mechanical Restraint and Prone Restraint
- 503.6 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students
- 503.7 - Student Disclosure of Identity
- 503.7E1 - Student Disclosure of Identity Notification Form
- 503.7E2 - Request to Update Student Identity
- 503.8 - Discipline Policy for Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause Incidents of Violence
- 503.9 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices
- 504.1 - Student Government
- 504.2 - Student Organizations
- 504.3 - Student Publications
- 504.3R1 - Student Publications Code
- 504.4 - Student Performances
- 504.5 - Student Fundraising
- 504.6 - Student Activity Program
- 504.7 - Student Social Events
- 504.8 - Interscholastic Competition
- 504.9 - Student Attendance at Events Outside of School
- 504.61 - Student Activity Accounts
- 505.1 - Student Progress Reports and Conferences
- 505.2 - Student Promotion - Retention - Acceleration
- 505.3 - Student Honors and Awards
- 505.4 - Testing Program
- 505.5 - Graduation Requirements
- 505.6 - Early Graduation
- 505.7 - Commencement
- 505.8 - Parent and Family Engagement Districtwide Policy
- 505.8R1 - Parent and Family Engagement Building Level Regulation
- 506.1 - Education Records Access
- 506.1R1 - Use of Education Records
- 506.1E1 - Request of Non-parent for Examination or Copies of Education Records
- 506.1E2 - Authorization for Release of Education Records
- 506.1E3 - Request for Hearing on Correction of Education Records
- 506.1E4 - Request for Examination of Student Records
- 506.1E5 - Notification of Transfer of Education Records
- 506.1E6 - Letter to Parent Regarding Receipt of a Subpoena
- 506.1E7 - Juvenile Justice Agency Information Sharing Agreement
- 506.1E8 - Annual Notice
- 506.2 - Student Directory Information
- 506.2R1 - Use of Directory Information
- 506.2E1 - Authorization for Releasing Student Directory Information
- 506.3 - Student Photographs
- 506.4 - Student Library Circulation Records
- 507.1 - Student Health and Immunization Certificates
- 507.2 - Administration of Medication to Students
- 507.2E1 - Authorization Asthma or Other Airway Constricting Disease Medication or Epinephrine Auto-Injector Self-Administration Consent Form
- 507.2E2 - Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Medication to Students
- 507.2E3 - Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Independent Self Carry and Administration of Prescribed Medication or Independent Delivery of Health Services by the Student
- 507.2E4 - Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Voluntary School Stock Over-the-Counter Medication to Students
- 507.3 - Communicable Diseases - Students
- 507.4 - Student Illness or Injury at School
- 507.5 - Emergency Plans and Drills
- 507.6 - Student Insurance
- 507.7 - Custody and Parental Rights
- 507.8 - Student Special Health Services
- 507.8R1 - Special Health Services
- 507.9 - Wellness Policy
- 507.9R1 - Wellness Regulation
- 508.1 - Class or Student Group Gifts
- 508.2 - Open Night
600 Series - Education Program
- 600 - Goals and Objectives of the Educational Program
- 601.1 - School Calendar
- 601.2 - School Day
- 602.1 - Curriculum Development
- 602.2 - Curriculum Implementation
- 602.3 - Curriculum Evaluation
- 602.4 - Curriculum - Experimental - Innovative Projects
- 603.1 - Basic Instruction Program
- 603.2 - Summer School Instruction
- 603.3 - Special Education
- 603.4 - Multicultural/Gender Fair Education
- 603.5 - Health Education
- 603.5E1 - Human Growth and Development Student Excuse Form
- 603.6 - Physical Education
- 603.7 - Career Education
- 603.8 - Teaching About Religion
- 603.8R1 - Teaching About Religion - Regulation
- 603.9 - Academic Freedom
- 603.9R1 - Teaching Controversial Issues - Regulation
- 603.10 - Global Education
- 603.11 - Citizenship
- 604.1 - Private Instruction
- 604.2 - Individualized Instruction
- 604.3 - Program for Talented and Gifted Students
- 604.4 - Program for At-Risk Stdents
- 604.5 - Religious-Based Exclusion From a School Program
- 604.6 - Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational Institution
- 604.7 - Dual Enrollment
- 604.8 - Foreign Students
- 604.10 - Online Courses
- 604.11 - Appropriate Use of Online Learning Platforms
- 605.1 - Instructional Materials Selection
- 605.1R1 - Instructional Materials Selection - Regulation
- 605.2 - Instructional Materials Inspection
- 605.3 - Objection to Instructional Materials
- 605.3R1 - Reconsideration of Instructional Materials - Regulation
- 605.3E1 - Instructions to the Reconsideration Committee
- 605.3E2 - Reconsideration of Instructional Materials Request Form
- 605.3E3 - Sample Letter to Individual Challenging Instructional Materials
- 605.3E5 - Request to Prohibit a Student from Accessing Specific Instructional Materials.
- 605.4 - Technology and Instructional Materials
- 605.5 - School Library
- 605.6 - Internet - Appropriate Use
- 605.6R1 - Internet - Appropriate Use - Regulation
- 605.6E1 - Internet Access Permission Letter to Parents
- 605.6E2 - Internet Appropriate Use Violation Notice
- 605.7 - Use of Information Resources
- 605.7R1 - Use of Information Resources - Regulation
- 605.8 - Artificial Intelligence in the Educational Environment
- 605.8R1 - Artificial Intelligence in the Educational Environment - Regulation
- 606.1 - Class Size - Class Grouping
- 606.2 - School Ceremonies and Observances
- 606.3 - Animals in the Classroom
- 606.4 - Student Production of Materials and Services
- 606.5 - Student Field Trips and Excursions
- 606.6 - Insufficient Classroom Space
- 607.1 - Student Guidance and Counseling Program
- 607.2 - Student Health Services
- 607.2R1 - Student Health Services - Regulation
700 Series - Non-Instructional Operations and Business Services
- 701.1 - Depository of Funds
- 701.2 - Transfer of Funds
- 701.3 - Financial Records
- 701.4 - Governmental Accounting Practices and Regulations
- 701.5 - Fiscal Management
- 701.5R1 - Fiscal Management - Fiscal Metrics
- 702 - Cash in School Buildings
- 703.1 - Budget Planning
- 704.1 - Local - State - Federal - Miscellaneous Revenue
- 704.2 - Debt Management Policy
- 704.2R1 - Post-Issuance Compliance Regulation for Tax-Exempt Obligations
- 704.3 - Investments
- 704.4 - Gifts - Grants - Bequests
- 704.5 - Student Activities Fund
- 704.6 - Online Fundraising Campaigns - Crowdfunding
- 705.1 - Purchasing - Bidding
- 705.1R1 - Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contractors Procedures
- 705.1R2 - Using Federal Funds in Procurement Contracts
- 705.2 - Credit and Procurement Cards
- 705.3 - Payment for Goods and Services
- 705.4 - Expenditures for a Public Purpose
- 705.4R1 - Use of Public Funds Regulation
- 706.1 - Payroll Periods
- 706.2 - Payroll Deductions
- 706.3 - Pay Deductions
- 706.3R1 - Pay Deduction Regulation
- 707.1 - Secretary's Reports
- 707.2 - Treasurer's Annual Report
- 707.3 - Publication of Annual Report
- 707.4 - Audit
- 707.5 - Internal Controls
- 707.5R1 - Internal Controls Procedures
- 707.6 - Audit Committee
- 708 - Care, Maintenance and Disposal of School District Records
- 709 - Insurance Program
- 710.1 - School Nutrition Program
- 710.1R1 - School Food Program - Civil Rights Complaint Procedures
- 710.1E1 - School Food Program - Notices of Nondiscrimination
- 710.2 - Free or Reduced Price Meals Eligibility
- 710.3 - Vending Machines
- 710.4 - Meal Charges
- 711.1 - Student School Transportation Eligibility
- 711.2 - Student Conduct on School Transportation
- 711.2R1 - Student Conduct on School Transportation Regulation
- 711.3 - Student Transportation for Extracurricular Activities
- 711.4 - Summer School Program Transportation Service
- 711.5 - Transportation of Nonresident and Nonpublic School Students
- 711.6 - Transportation of Nonschool Groups
- 711.7 - School Bus Safety Instruction
- 711.8 - Transportation in Inclement Weather
- 711.9 - District Vehicle Idling
- 711.10 - School Bus Passenger Restraints
- 711.21 - Use of Video Cameras on School Bus
- 712 - Technology and Data Security
- 712.R1 - Security Requirements of Third-Party Vendors Regulation
- 713 - ResponsibleTechnology Use & Social Networking
- 713.R1 - Responsible Technology Use & Social Networking - Regulation
800 Series - Building and Facilities
- 800 - Objectives of Buildings & Sites
- 801.1 - Buildings & Sites Long Range Planning
- 801.2 - Buildings & Sites Surveys
- 801.3 - Educational Specifications for Buildings & Sites
- 801.4 - Site Acquisition
- 802.1 - Maintenance Schedule
- 802.2 - Requests for Improvements
- 802.3 - Emergency Repairs
- 802.4 - Capital Assets
- 802.4R1 - Capital Assets Regulation
- 802.4R2 - Capital Assets Management Systems Definitions
- 802.5 - Buildings & Sites Adaptation for Person With Disabilities
- 802.6 - Vandalism
- 802.7 - Energy Conservation
- 803.1 - Disposition of Obsolete Equipment
- 803.2 - Lease, Sale or Disposal of School District Buildings & Sites
- 804.1 - Facilities Inspections
- 804.2 - District Emergency Operations Plans
- 804.4 - Asbestos Containing Material
- 804.5 - Stock Prescription Medication Supply
- 804.5E1 - Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of a Voluntary School Supply of Stock Medication for Life Threatening Incidents
- 804.6 - Use of Recording Devices on School Property
- 804.6R1 - Use of Recording Devices on School Property Regulation
- 804.7 - Radon Mitigation
- 804.7R1 - Radon Mitigation Regulation
900 Series - School District - Community Relations
- 900 - Principles and Objectives for Community Relations
- 901 - Public Examination of School District Records
- 902.1 - News Media Relations
- 902.2 - News Conferences and Interviews
- 902.3 - News Releases
- 902.4 - Live Broadcast or Recording
- 903.1 - School-Community Groups
- 903.2 - Community Resource Persons and Volunteers
- 903.3 - Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites
- 903.4 - Public Conduct on School Premises
- 903.5 - Distribution of Materials
- 903.5R1 - Distribution of Materials
- 904.1 - Transporting Students in Private Vehicles
- 904.2 - Advertising and Promotion
- 904.3 - Sale or Lease of Student Constructed Buildings/Property
- 905.1 - Community Use of School District Facilities and Equipment
- 905.1R1 - Community Use of School Facilities & Equipment
- 905.1R2 - Community Use of School District Buildings & Sites & Equipment - Fee Schedule
- 905.1R2 - Community Use of School District Buildings & Sites & Equipment - Indemnity and Liability Insurance Agreement
- 905.1EH1 - Community Use of School District Buildings & Sites & Equipment - Application Form
- 905.2 - Tobacco/Nicotine-Free Environment
- 905.3 - Weapons in the School District
- 906 - Unmanned Aircrafts - Drones
- 907 - District Operation During Public Emergencies
- 907.R1 - District Operations During a Public Health Emergency Regulation
- 908 - Citizens Advisory Committee: Organization and Dissolution
- 908.1 - Citizens Advisory Committee: Membership and Appointment
- 908.2 - Citizens Advisory Committee: Communications and Recommendations