Mission, Vision, and Beliefs

District Mission

To engage learners in a caring, student-centered environment with rigorous, challenging and innovative curricula by highly qualified staff while showing respect, responsibility, school pride and communication with all stakeholders.

District Vision

The Pleasantville CSD, in partnership with the entire community, will empower every student to become a life-long learner who is a responsible, productive, and engaged citizen within the global community.

District Beliefs

  1. Every student has worth. We will never give up on any child in helping him/her obtain an education.
  2. Decisions should be made with the best interests of the students in mind. Decision-making is a collaborative, data-driven, open-minded process.
  3. The focus of our learning program should be to develop each student’s ability to communicate, think critically, and effectively work with others.
  4. The Pleasantville School District must continue to provide an excellent program that addresses the educational needs of all students in a safe and supportive environment.
  5. Collaboration between the home, the school district, and the community has a direct correlation to the quality of the educational system and the experience of each student.
  6. All people have dignity, worth, and value. Each person deserves to be treated with respect (unconditional positive regard) and fairness (fair does not mean equal).
  7. Children come first and that the entire community shares in the responsibility for educating the whole child.
  8. People have unique learning styles, needs, and gifts; education is most successful where these attributes are respected and utilized.
  9. Effective relationships are based upon respect, trust, and honest/open communication.

Our Mission

To engage learners in a caring, student-centered environment with rigorous, challenging and innovative curricula by highly qualified staff while showing respect, responsibility, school pride and communication with all stakeholders.
Mission, Vision, and Beliefs
©2025 Pleasantville Community School District